Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Ok so cymatics is very cool. The actual workings of such incredible beauty is nearly without equal other than nature itself. I was impressed by the variations of art forms cymatics can manipulate as we saw at the end of the TED presentation. Without ever knowing about cymatics it was great to see such beauty at work. I had to share this video by Nigel Stanford with you, but something tells me that you may have already seen it:  I was so intreigued that I had to look into it more and was blown away with what cymatics can do. The ability to manipulate objects through sound wasn't totally foreign to me of course but the heights and various ways it was allowed to change was nothing short of amazing.

Not as mind blowing, but equally as fascinating is synesthesia. After reading more about it, it makes sense to me that it could actually be more accurately referred to as ideasthesia. Perhaps the person is formulating an idea of what something looks or smells like which triggers the mind to relay that to the senses. I am always impressed by what the mind can do, but as impressed by what we as artists can do to manipulate the viewer's mind into seeing what we want them to see, feel, taste etc. It's our job to open them up to what many people seek -- escape. People go to movies, look at art, or listen to music to escape the "real world" for a little while and it's our job to make that escape one they can remember and think about, talk about, and hope to relive in their lives. These types of influences, synesthesia/cymatics, are new tools that I can use to help change the way I work.

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